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Random Scuffed Games #102

Vorgeschlagen von:  drksmoo

Wirklich sehr cooles Game! Ich mag den Artstyle, die Grafik, die Musik, die schön unkomplizierte Spielmechanik und die Vielzahl an Puzzles, die es zu lösen gilt. Jedes lilane  Collectible bietet nochmal zusätzlich ein freischaltbares Puzzle bzw. eine kleine Herausforderung. Also hat man auch nach ca. 1h Spielzeit motivation die Sachen einzusammeln und sich weiteren kleinen herausforderungen zu stellen. Die Story habe ich nicht wirklich verstanden, mag aber dieses unschuldig, düstere Konzept dahinter. Insgesamt hat es einfach Spaß gemacht nach und nach mehr über diese Welt herauszufinden und sie zu erkunden! Der Preis ist gerechtfertig, aber jetzt auch kein krasser Schnapper mit unendlich Spielzeit.


Dito: 4.7/5

Chat: 4.25/5

Gesamt: 4.48/5

I really like the art style. Also great that there is also a 🐧 version. But it was really buggy though. For example, the menu didn’t work with 🎮

Why was this game removed from the Ukrian Bundle? I had seen the post of it being included on twitter and wanted to support two things for the cause and now its gone.


Hmm, I hadn't included it, so it shouldn't have been in the bundle. I think it's a great bundle, I was just lazy and forgot to do the footwork to include it .


It was in the Bundle for Racial Justice & Equality.

(1 edit)

I've just bought the game for OSX, however it does not launch, stating that: "The developer of this app needs to update it to work with this version of macOS. Contact the developer for more information."

I run OSX 11.4 Big Sur. Can you help?

This might have to do with apple's new certification process. The game works fine on earlier OS's, but I haven't tested on newer ones. If it is a certification issue, that means I'll have to go through a tedious, often cryptic process to get it certified. I'll look into it, though I'm pretty busy and can't make any guarantees it'll be fixed soon.

(1 edit)

Thanks for the swift reply.

I think the issue lies in that your binary to invoke the game is linked for 32 bit environments (Mach-O executable i386). Therefore, if you used XCode, the quickest way to remedy this is to select the proper target architecture in the build system. I haven't checked your Mono, Steam integration, and Unity Engine libraries, however I would strongly suggest that they are 32 bit linked as well.

Question is: do you have a recently enough OSX target build system to actually re-import and re-compile your game project for a 64 bit target architecture? I might be able to help out if you want. I don't think certification is necessary.

From where it stands, starting with MacOS Big Sur (11.x) no 32 bit applications can be invoked anymore.

huh, I thought it was targeted for 64 bit architecture by default, but I do see what you are saying. In Unity, there's only one option when building for mac.

Hmmm, when you go to build settings, and select the platform (depending on your unity version), you should be able to select the target architecture as well. The latest in the inspector part of unity's build system (screenshort inside this report: To notarize it, this might help: Good luck and let me know when you have it. I'd love to play this game at one point, since it looks great ;).

I built this using unity 2017.xx and I'm fairly certain it was built using 64 bit at the time. I do think its a notarization issue, so I'll look into it.

I tried playing this game and it glitched at the first item,,, i dont know how fix it, i cant use any other buttons in it after clicking on the item. 

Sorry I took so long to respond. You may need to start a new game from the main menu or manually delete some save data. Any other information you can give me will help me diagnose the issue. Thanks!

(1 edit)

The games crashed on resolution change. Since I got a black sceeen on start. However I can hear the music and effects.

I have tried:

  • icth launcher
  • terminal launcher 32 bits version
  • terminal launcher 64 bits version
  • I re-install from itch
  • I removed the folder, then re-install on icth
  • restart the computer

Is there some user conf file that I can edit to set manually resolution or something?

(1 edit)

… ok adding some command line options allowed me to run the game in window mode to reset the resolution.

./Little\ Bug.x86 -screen-fullscreen 0


more options available on Unity website:

Well done! I appreciate all the time you've put into making it work :)

(4 edits)

Cannot start the game on Linux:

~/games/ Content/|⇒ ./Little\ Bug.x86
Set current directory to /home/mickrodot/games/ Content
Found path: /home/mickrodot/games/ Content/Little Bug.x86
There is no data folder

However there is a data folder full of data!

~/games/ Content/Little Bug_Data|⇒  ls
boot.config                level12  level2  level9            resources.assets.resS      sharedassets12.assets    sharedassets17.assets      sharedassets2.resource     sharedassets6.assets
globalgamemanagers         level13  level3  Managed           ScreenSelector.png         sharedassets13.assets    sharedassets18.assets      sharedassets3.assets       sharedassets7.assets
globalgamemanagers.assets  level14  level4  Mono              sharedassets0.assets       sharedassets13.resource  sharedassets1.assets       sharedassets3.assets.resS  sharedassets8.assets
level0                     level15  level5  MonoBleedingEdge  sharedassets0.assets.resS  sharedassets14.assets    sharedassets1.assets.resS  sharedassets3.resource     sharedassets8.resource
level1                     level16  level6  Plugins           sharedassets0.resource     sharedassets14.resource  sharedassets1.resource     sharedassets4.assets       sharedassets9.assets
level10                    level17  level7  Resources         sharedassets10.assets      sharedassets15.assets    sharedassets2.assets       sharedassets4.resource     sharedassets9.resource
level11                    level18  level8  resources.assets  sharedassets11.assets      sharedassets16.assets    sharedassets2.assets.resS  sharedassets5.assets

Any hint?

I don't know much about Linux, but if you scroll down the comments you'll find that someone made a shell script for Linux. Perhaps that'll help?

Yes I tried the 64bits version. But that doesn’t work neither. The result is identical.

The issue is about where the data folder is. I though that could be related to the space char in the naming.

I don’t have any idea how to debug something here.

My shell locale is set to en_US. UTF-8. So I believe that the encoding is good enough.

Are you playing this via the itch launcher?

via the itch launcher or from the command line, the result is exactly the same: it cannot find the data folder :(

maybe the shown error is not the real one. There are some shared lib missing. WDYT?

On side, I managed to run your game from wine. As linux user that’s never the best option.

Anyway it’s pretty neat. Good job.

(2 edits)

ok I got it. It is a folder naming issue obviously. But not because of the game folders. But because of my itch folder name

I moved




and it worked out!

(2 edits)

wondering why it still didn’t work when game placed in


I looked deeper. the issue was related to 2 similars folder names. On my system I get:


so littlebug executatble got confused between those two

the good news is this little command fix the issue forever:

ln -s ~/games/ ~/Games/


I kind of wish the feet had shown up more? But it's so nice to have a game featuring such an underrepresented main character like this, and all the glowing lights looked great against the gloomier backgrounds.

That's the first love we've heard for the feet! Glad you enjoyed playing as Nyah <3

(1 edit) (+4)

This is entirely way too beautiful and nobody knows what a special little gem is hiding here (27 steam reviews, what in the world). Its a unique platformer about a girl exploring her surroundings and every bit of the gameplay and presentation masterfully incorporates into the main story beats, message and theme of being a curious girl in a big world where everything might be a wonder to explore or danger to avoid. This game can be drop dead gorgeous when it mixes realistic surroundings with her imaginative view of the world, it is touching, has an amazing ambient soundtrack with an everincreasing amount of challenge (and more unlockable challenge levels), so you are forced to learn the intricacies of the movement system (it gets.. hard later on). It is a rare feat when every section, every new locale in a game feels like a reward in itself, this game is truly special. 5/5

More Racial Justice Bundle impressions:


Thank you so much for this review! Steam's a hard place to make splash. This was our first game and our marketing was lacking. We had a publisher, but they were very hands off on launch. It's really nice to see a review like this because it reminds us that those who played experienced exactly what we intended even if the player base is small. Thanks again!

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